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This function generates a set of xpose data (xpdb) objects that can be used to define relationships between models. The


xpose_set(..., .relationships = NULL, .as_ordered = FALSE)



<dynamic-dots> xpdb1, xpdb2, ... A set of xpdb objects to be combined into a set.


<list> A list of relationships between the xpdb objects. (see Details)


<logical> Alternative to .relationships, should the set of xpdb objects provided be considered a lineage (grandparent, parent, child, ...)?


A list of class xpose_set


Beyond just a list of xpdb objects, an xpose_set adds hierarchical information.

When using .relationships, these should be expressed as tilde formulas, where the left-hand side is children and the right and side is parents. In the simplest case, this would be child ~ parent, but a child can have multiple parents. This syntax expects that the names for models is either declared as argument names in the call, or that the variable names are directly used (i.e., not spliced or passed as an unnamed list).


data("xpdb_ex_pk", package = "xpose")

# Arbitrary copy
xpdb_ex_pk2 <- xpdb_ex_pk

# Simplest call
set1 <- xpose_set(xpdb_ex_pk, xpdb_ex_pk2)

# With predefined relationships
set2 <- xpose_set(xpdb_ex_pk, xpdb_ex_pk2,
  .relationships = list(xpdb_ex_pk2 ~ xpdb_ex_pk)

# Alternative predefined relationships
set2b <- xpose_set(xpdb_ex_pk, xpdb_ex_pk2,
  .as_ordered = TRUE

# With custom labels
set3 <- xpose_set(mod1 = xpdb_ex_pk, mod2 = xpdb_ex_pk2,
  .relationships = list(mod2 ~ mod1)

# Alternative set3 using dyanmic dots
mod_list <- list(
  mod1 = xpdb_ex_pk,
  mod2 = xpdb_ex_pk2
mod_rels <- list(
  mod2 ~ mod1
set3b = xpose_set(!!!mod_list, .relationships = mod_rels)